We're both fucked.
Check out Ron Paul for a breath of fresh air. I have been reading a lot about him and think he is quite inspirational and can actually tackle some of the real problems that face America now and in the future. I think the whole "Campaign for Change" is so played out its not even funny. I will agree that I think some changes that Obama speaks/hopes of would be great if they were followed through with but we will just have to wait and see. I am definitely not a fan of the whole "well..... we will just see what happens and hopefully everything works out" scenario. Thats pretty much what the general population is hoping for. It would honestly be great if he could bring change to a Country that is in such turmoil but I am definitely not holding my breath.
If you have some free time I urge you to check out his site www.ronpaul.com to get informed about who he is and what he stands for.
I am a fan of Alex Jones' films and he is a huge supporter or Ron Paul. Some of the radical ideas Alex has I am not completely sold on but nonetheless I am willing to hear him out and see what he has to say. Its nice to see an opposition to the mainstream and have someone out there that actually cares and is compassionate for the future of not only the U.S. but the world as a whole. I have read a lot of people saying that Alex is some type of fearmonger and that he is no more than a conspiracy theorist but the majority, if not all of his arguments can be backed by none other than irrefutable facts.
For the record Obama is a distant cousin of the Bush family and also former vp Richard 'DICK' Cheney.
Its too bad the people didnt know more about Dr. Paul before they casted their vote.
4 more years..... well thats just grrrrrreat.

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